SUToolBar Member List

This is the complete list of members for SUToolBar, including all inherited members.

_hSUObject [protected]
Create(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR lpszResourceName, const char *name)SUToolBar [inline]
Create(HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT nID, const char *name)SUToolBar [inline]
GetButtonCount()SUToolBar [inline]
IsValid() constSUObject [inline, virtual]
IsVisible()SUToolBar [inline]
operator SUHANDLE()SUObject [inline]
SetButtonChecked(UINT nID, bool bChecked)SUToolBar [inline]
SetButtonEnabled(UINT nID, bool bEnable)SUToolBar [inline]
SUObject()SUObject [inline]
SUObject(SUHANDLE h)SUObject [inline]
SUToolBar()SUToolBar [inline]
~SUObject()SUObject [inline, virtual]

Generated on Thu Apr 15 10:55:35 2010 for ShapeUp API by  doxygen 1.5.2