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ShapeUp v2.0.00 RC 3 available read more

New plug-in for vector data optimizations available read more

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Plug-ins for ShapeUp »

This section contains various plug-ins to ShapeUp that can be downloaded for free. The plug-ins in the ShapeUp binaries download are not listed here.

The following plug-ins are available:

GPI Plug-ins »

  • Automatic updates
  • ODBC query
  • RIK format
  • Vector Data Optimizer

Loader Plug-ins »

  • Hastighetskameror

GPI Plug-ins »

Automatic updates »

Download and install this GPI plug-in into the ShapeUp Plugins sub-directory to get notified if a new version of ShapeUp is available for download. On ShapeUp start-up, the plug-in will try to connect to this site, and check if there has been a new release. This can be turned on or off in its settings dialog.

Autoupdate plugin GUI

This plug-in requires ShapeUp 1.2.03 or later.

ODBC query »

This GPI plug-in supports loading data from a database, using an ODBC connection or a connection string. It is accessible from the Insert | Add Theme From | ODBC Query... menu item.

When invoked, a wizard is shown requiring three steps to be taken.

  1. Specify a connection.
  2. Define an SQL query.
  3. Select columns in the result set to be used as coordinates.

This plug-in is also JavaScript enabled. Using the following code to load a layer:

var odbcGUID = '{18999d7c-b47c-41b0-862f-15a3a6e138eb}';
var odbc = new Plugin(odbcGUID);
var layer = odbc.loadLayer(
    'Select XCoord, YCoord, Name From Nodes',
    0, 1);

The JavaScript call requires a connection string, the query itself, and the zero-based indecies of east and north coordinate columns.

This plug-in requires ShapeUp 1.3.02 or later.

This plug-in is also available as source code.

RIK format »

This is a GPI plug-in for the RIK format. Extract the plugin, gpirik.gpi, to <ShapeUp>/Plugins directory. ShapeUp is then extended with RIK support in the following ways:

  • The file dialog Insert|Add Theme gets a RIK file extension filter.
  • ShapeUp gets RIK file Drag&Drop support.
  • The Tools menu gets a RIK Converter item, with which it's possible to convert RIK files to other file formats, such as gif, png or tiff, along with world files (*.twf). The RIK Converter tool also supports chopping large files into a grid of smaller ones.

If the RIK file is too large, you'll get an error message. Use the RIK Converter tool to create smaller portions of the file.

This plug-in requires ShapeUp 1.2.01 or later.

Vector Data Optimizer »

This is a GPI plug-in to be used to reduce the number of breakpoints in a polyline or polygon by simplification. A tolerable deviation from an imagined center line is specified to configure the maximum distortion allowed. This plug-in extends the Tools menu with a 'Vector Data Optimizer...' item, which will be enabled when polyline and/or polygon layers are selected. The Vector Data Optimizer will create a new layer for the resulting shapes, leaving the original data intact.

Extract the plugin, gpivectordataoptimizer.gpi, to <ShapeUp>/Plugins directory.

This plug-in is also JavaScript enabled to allow batch jobs:

var vdoGUID = '{0C637DF9-9ACF-4D95-BF50-DD1739D7B438}';
var optimizer = new Plugin(vdoGUID);
optimizer.maxDeviation = 2.0;
var theme = workspace.getTheme(0);

Error checking omitted.

This plug-in requires ShapeUp 1.2.01 or later.

Loader Plug-ins »

HastighetsKameror »

Navigate to www.poidatabase.se

This is a loader plug-in for swedish speed cameras. It's available as a zip download, which also contains a readme file for installation and usage instructions. Camera positions are fetched on-line from www.poidatabase.se when using this plug-in.

Getting started »


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