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ShapeUp v2.0.00 RC 3 available read more

New plug-in for vector data optimizations available read more

ShapeUp v1.2.00 »

ShapeUp 1.2.00 is now finally available. It has taken some time to finish. Hopefully, the wait has been worthwhile since we now introduce a new generic plug-in type that will be able to access almost any part of ShapeUp, along with some other new features and corrections.

New features:

  • Added new generic plug-in type (*.gpi).

The new generic plug-in type, GPI, can control just about anything in ShapeUp. It can configure itself to act as a loader or exporter of data, but more importantly, a GPI can hook into menues, create toolbars, draw in the ShapeUp map window, take action when data is added or removed and perform various calculations. A GPI can also be invoked from JavaScript, and JavaScript can be run from a GPI, opening endless of opportunities to the innovative user.

There are currently more than a hundred exported API functions. Most of them are wrapped inside C++ classes for easy use.

Detailed information can be found in the developer section.

  • Added a fully transparent polygon fill mode.

Polygons can now be transparent, only leaving the border visible.

  • Console window reworked.

The ShapeUp console has been changed to avoid problems when logging more than 64k bytes of data to it. It now uses a circular buffer with a fixed size. The drawback is that the oldest messages might be erased as new are added, but logging to a file is not affected.

The size of the buffer can be set from the Tools | Options | Console dialog.

  • Added Zoom To Make Visible to legend view's context menu.

When using Advanced Visibility settings, it is sometimes hard to find out in which span a theme is visible. The new menu item finds out automatically and sets an appropriate zoom level.

  • Added template pixel values to HTML image-map generation.

When generating HTML image maps, it's now possible to use image pixel coordinates as template values.

  • JavaScript object model extended.

Shape.translate(), Shape.rotate() and Shape.intersects() are added. See the JavaScript Object Model and Reference, available from the help menu for further details.

Fixed bugs:

  • Corrected Advanced Style for empty layers.

Setting advanced style before adding shapes, should now keep the settings correctly.

  • Reset layer bounds when all shapes are deleted.

The Zoom to Theme feature got out of synch when used on a theme where all shapes hade been removed. This has been fixed.

  • Made Theme | Export dialog resizable.

It was hard to get an overview of the Theme export options since the dialog was rather small. It is now resizeable.

  • InfoTip definition page is now updated if the Attribute Manager is invoked from the Theme Properties dialog.

New attributes are now directly listed in the InfoTip definition page, without the need of closing and reopening the dialog.

...previous release info

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