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ShapeUp v2.0.00 RC 3 available read more

New plug-in for vector data optimizations available read more

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ShapeUp v1.4.01 »

A happy new year to each and every one! Santa is now delivering his last gift for the season: ShapeUp version 1.4.01.

The new version has a few new features requested by our users. Also, parts of the internal message routing mechanisms have been changed. This is one of many steps needed to modernise the user interface of ShapeUp, which will begin soon, or maybe just after that.

In any case:

New features:

  • Added support for PolygonZ type.

For some reason were support for polygons of Z-type missing. ShapeUp now supports polygons of Z-type to the same extent as ordinary polygons.

  • Added Edit | Copy Special | ...

The options are Copy as GeoJSON and Copy as WKT. It comes as no surprise that these commands copy the current selection to the GeoJSON and WKT formats. In both cases the geometry is copied, and in addition, the GeoJSON format also copies attribute data of the selected objects.

Also, the Edit | Copy Map Image has been moved to this submenu as well.

  • GPI API extended.

In addition to the Copy Special feature mentioned above, this submenu has been opened for custom items via the ShapeUp GPI API. GPI plug-ins can use the constant MENUITEMTYPE_COPYSPECIAL to insert items in this submenu.

Fixed bugs:

  • Corrected Advanced Edit | Snap to Grid for multi-part polygons.

There were a problem editing multi-part polygons when using grids. This has now been corrected.

...previous release info

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