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ShapeUp v2.0.00 RC 3 available read more
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ShapeUp v1.1.03 »
The latest release of ShapeUp is now version 1.1.03, which is available for download. The WMF exporter plug-in has also been updated.
New features:
- Enable Editing now works with multiple themes selected.
It is now possible to enable editing for many themes at once.
- Statistical view now displays data for multiple theme selection.
The statistical view will now respond to multiple theme selection. Values displayed, like bounding box information, are collected from all selected themes.
- Added vertex snapping to other than the active themes objects.
Vertex snapping introduced in ShapeUp v1.1.00 has now been extended to also include other than the active theme.
As before, holding down <CTRL> when adding/adjusting a vertex will snap the vertex to the closest vertex of any other object in the active theme. Now, holding down <SHIFT> will snap that vertex to the closest vertex of any object in any theme but the active theme. Thus, holding down both <CTRL> and <SHIFT> will snap it to the closest vertex in any theme.
- Point count selection dialog now remembers its values.
The point count selection dialog available from Edit | Advanced Selection menu now remembers its values until next time it's opened. The values are not remembered between different ShapeUp sessions.
Fixed bugs:
- Corrected shape type when creating a polyline layer from polygon outlines.
Previously the object shape type was not changed from polygon to polyline. The file shape type however, was always set. Running Shape File Integrity Check, SFIC, tool on such a shape file would give inconsistent type errors.
- Coordinate response in geo view when selecting a coord
in coord view now flashes the focused coord in list
rather than the first selected coord.
Coordinate response in the geo view should now be what one would expect if selecting multiple objects in the attribute view.